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Return Policy -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
E-filliate Reseller ® is pleased to offer a no risk, no hassle guarantee on every item we sell. Order any item, and if you are not 100% satisfied with it in any way, you can return it within 90 days, no questions asked. We'll gladly replace the item, refund your money*, or apply the price of the product toward any other item -- it's your choice!
*Shipping & handling charges excluded. Offer does not apply to special clearance or closeout items.
For assistance, please contact our customer service department at:
1.800.327.6703 , Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM Pacific Standard Time

Backordered Products
Approximate ship dates for backordered items may be obtained by calling our customer service department at: 1.800.327.6703 , Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM Pacific Standard Time Or by Emailing: info@efilliate.com. Shipping charges for backordered items are calculated as if all ordered items were shipped at one time (international shipping addresses excluded).
Order Status and Tracking
You track the status of your order within the E-filliate Reseller ® order and shipping departments in real time, and check the shipping status of your order in route via our direct connection to the FedEx and UPS tracking systems! Simply click the Order Status tab at the top of any page then follow the simple step-by-step directions.
Shipping Charges
Shipping charges vary, based on the actual weight and size of the items shipped and the shipping method selected. For all purchases over $20.00, actual carrier charges plus a $3.95 handling fee apply to all shipments. Total shipping charges can be reviewed, and shipping method changed prior to finalizing your order. Shipping charges for backordered items are calculated as if all ordered items were shipped at one time (international shipping addresses excluded).
Order Modification or Cancellation
Orders placed online may be modified by calling our customer service department at: 1.800.327.6703 , Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM Pacific Standard Time Or by Emailing: info@efilliate.com.
Open Accounts
Please contact our customer service department at 1.800.327.6703 , Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM Pacific Standard Time to obtain the necessary forms and for information regarding our terms of sale.
Site Support or Suggestions
Our contacts page provides email links for your questions, comments, and suggestions.
"Signing in" Problems
For security reasons, we've hidden your password whenever you attempt to sign in to an existing E-filliate Reseller website account. Users that have numbers in their password should take special care. You can safely enter any number from the keyboard top row. If you choose to use the right side number pad, make certain that the keyboard "Num Lock" is turned on. Failure to do this will result in you unable to complete the sign in.
Project List Help
Your Project List is very powerful and can become a welcomed tool in organizing both large and small purchasing projects.
Create Project Group
Click on the "Create Project" link located on to the right on the Open List Line.
Enter the Project Alias Name, Description and any initial notes you may have. The notes section can be added to at any time.
Click "Continue" to create your new project.
Any Open List items you may have at this time will be automatically moved to your new Project.
Project Controls
Project controls are located to the left of your new project line. (EDIT Project, DELETE Project)
Edit Project - allows you to edit all descriptions and notes. Also your project Status is controlled here. (ACTIVE or INACTIVE)
DELETE Project - deletes all project items as well as the project itself.
Item Controls
If you already have items in your project, item controls (in blue) are to the right of the Project controls (in black).
DELETE Items - deletes all items but leaves the project.
COPY to Cart - copies all project items to your Active Cart.
MOVE to Cart - moves all Project items to your Active Cart. The project is left empty.
In both Project and Item controls, the DELETE function will warn you before executing.
To Move or Copy a Project line item, click on the copy or move radio button and SELECT your destination. Options will include: Active Cart, your Open List, or any ACTIVE project other than the one you are working on.
Note: INACTIVE projects are not listed.
Modify your Project Status by clicking on "EDIT Project" in the project controls (in black) Select Active or Inactive and click update.
Active projects can have items added, deleted, or moved.
INACTIVE projects items can only be removed or moved to the open List.
Printing Projects Lists
A Project Group can be printed with or without pricing. Margins can be easily added to reflect your selling price. The printed form includes your business address, project description and a large notes section that can be added to as you need it.

Like the Active Shopping Cart, your Project Lists are held for as long as you need them...

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